
Explore the north of the UK

Case Studies

Northern case studies


Fieldwork resources for the north


Stories about the north


Events in the north


Photos of the north

What is new on Geography North?

The team are working hard to bring new content to the site. If you would like to contribute, please get in touch.

Latest Photos

Check out these awesome images taken in the north. If you’ve captured an image featuring the north and would like to share it, please send us a copy to share with the community.

About Us

Geography North is a collaborative project designed to champion the north of the UK.

Enthusiastic geographers with connections to the north of the UK are working hard to share resources to help teachers and students understand the beautiful north.

If you want to join us on this journey, please get in touch.

  • Promoting

    Promoting the north as a place of wonder

  • Educating

    Educating young people about the north

  • Celebrating

    Celebrating all the north offers

  • Supporting

    Support the north and the people who call it home

Support Us

If you are interested in supporting the development of Geography North, either through writing, donating, or advertising on the site, please contact us.

Why do we love the north?

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